Results for 'Kilian N. Atuoye'

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  1.  7
    'n Fundamenteel-pedagogiese besinning oor aanspreek en aanhoor as pedagogiese synswyses, deur C.J.G. Kilian.Cornelius Johannes Gysbertus Kilian - 1970 - [Pretoria]: Universiteit van Pretoria, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Werkgemeenskap ter bevordering van die Pedagogiek as Wetenskap.
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    The Practice of the Presence of God By Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection. Trans. by Sister Mary David, S.S.N.D.Kilian J. Hennrich - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):253-254.
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    Wrapped into sound: Development of the Immersive Music Experience Inventory.Yves Wycisk, Kilian Sander, Reinhard Kopiez, Friedrich Platz, Stephan Preihs & Jürgen Peissig - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although virtual reality, video entertainment, and computer games are dependent on the three-dimensional reproduction of sound, it remains unclear whether 3D-audio formats actually intensify the emotional listening experience. There is currently no valid inventory for the objective measurement of immersive listening experiences resulting from audio playback formats with increasing degrees of immersion. The development of the Immersive Music Experience Inventory could close this gap. An initial item list was derived from studies in virtual reality and spatial audio, supplemented by researcher-developed (...)
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  4. Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust: Fear of reprisals and generic diplomacy.Kilian Mcdonnell - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):313-334.
    Deux assomptions ont été faites au sujet du refus du Pape Pie XII à aller au-delà de condamnations génériques de l'Holocauste Nazi. 1. La politique était dictée par peur de représailles contre les Catholiques et les Juifs. 2. La peur de représailles contre les Juifs était essentiellement une excuse pour ne rien faire ou rester au niveau de condamnations génériques. Mais les organisations juives elles-mêmes ont souvent cité la peur de représailles contre les Juifs comme la raison d'une restrainte dans (...)
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  5. Catholic scholarship in a pentecostal context: The significance of the writings of Kilian McDonnell for classical pentecostalism.Josef Brenkus - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):335-361.
    L'érudition de Kilian McDonnell. o.s.b., un moine/prêtre bénédictin, a eu une grande influence sur le Pentecostalisme au niveau international et sur le renouveau charismatique dans les grandes Eglises grâce à l'attention anthropologique, psychologique et théologique que McDonnell apporte à sa recherche pentecostale, à sa direction dans le Dialogue International Classique Pentecostiste - Catholique-Romain, et à son rôle comme rédacteur de documents nationaux et internationaux. Il comprend les forces socio-culturelles à l'oeuvre dans le développement du Pentecostalisme, et contribua à déraciner (...)
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    al-Riyāḍ al-Khazʻalīyah fī al-siyāsah al-insānīyah.Khazʻal Khān - 2013 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Mawsūʻāt.
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    La salvación de Heidegger: la apertura al diálogo en la posguerra (1945-1960).Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2023 - Ciudad de México: Bonilla Artigas Editores.
    Explores intellectual and philosophical evolution of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, focusing on period after World War II. Analyzes how Heidegger s ideas, particularly his notion of being, influenced and were influenced by postwar context, including confrontation with Nazism and emergence of new philosophical currents. Argues that Heidegger s work offers relevant insights for contemporary philosophical debates and calls for a critical dialogue with his legacy. Discusses Heidegger s philosophy in the context of French and German philosophical schools, highlighting relevance of (...)
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  8. Cultures of Natural History.N. Jardine, J. A. Secord & E. C. Spary - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (2):306-309.
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    Pierre Bourdieu: proyección siglo XXI.Álvaro Moreno Durán (ed.) - 2013 - Bogotá, Colombia: Instituto Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios ILAE.
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  10. Austin : la "superación" de Wittgenstein?O. Nancy Núñez - 1994 - In Verónica Rodríguez Blanco & Agustín Martínez A. (eds.), Lenguaje, epistemología y ciencias sociales. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.
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    Śrīkr̥ṣṇāvadhūtaracitāni Madhvatatvasūtrāṇi svopajñavyākhyāsahitāni. Kr̥ṣṇāvadhūta - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīviśveśatīrthasaṃśodhanakendram, Karnatakasamskrtavisvavidyalayena "Samsodhanakendram" iti manitam. Edited by Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi.
    Treatise with auto-commentary on Dvaita philosophy.
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    Molla Halil’e Göre Sevap ve İk'b.Serkan Teki̇n - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):521-556.
    Molla Halil’e göre insanların bu dünyada yaptıkları iyiliklere karşılık Yüce Allah onları ahirette lütfuyla nimetlendirecek ve Cennetine koyacaktır. Bu, Allah’ın insanlara bir va‘didir. Allah va‘dinden asla dönmez. Çünkü Allah’ın va‘dinden dönmesi, O’nun hakkında bir eksiklik sayılır. Ancak bu durum O’nun için vucûbiyet ifade etmez. Vucubiyet kavramı çeşitli anlamlarda kullanıldığı için anlam kargaşasına yol açabilir. Buna sebebiyet vermemek için kelamda özellikle de bu makalede “zorunluluk” anlamına kullanılacak olup bazen gereklilik anlamı da ihtiva edebilir. Allah, kötülük yapanları ise adaletiyle cezalandıracaktır. Bu da (...)
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  13.  13
    Filosofía de la liberación y giro decolonial: caminos a la transmodernidad.Díaz Cepeda, Luis Rubén, Susana Báez Ayala, Pérez Daniel, Gustavo Herón & Enrique D. Dussel (eds.) - 2021 - Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
  14. Conocimiento científico y acción social: crítica epistemológica a la concepción de ciencia en Max Weber.Manuel Gil Antón - 1997 - Barcelona, España: Gedisa.
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  15. Bước chuyẻ̂n tư tưởng Việt Nam: cuó̂i thé̂ kỷ XIX đà̂u thé̂ kỷ XX.Văn Chung Trương & Doãn Chính (eds.) - 2005 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuá̂t bản Chính trị quó̂c gia.
    History of political ideology in Vietnam.
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    There Oughta Be a Law: When Does(n’t) the U.S. Common Rule Apply?Michelle N. Meyer - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):60-73.
    Using mobile health research as an extended example, this article provides an overview of when the Common Rule “applies” to a variety of activities, what might be meant when one says that the Common Rule does or does not “apply,” the extent to which these different meanings of “apply” matter, and, when the Common Rule does apply, how it applies.
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  17.  23
    A Developmental Perspective on Pediatric Decision-Making Capacity.N. Hardy & N. Nortjé - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester (eds.), Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 23-37.
    Decision-making capacityDecision-making capacity for pediatric patients can be difficult to determine and is influenced by a myriad of developmental considerations. This chapter begins with a discussion concerning the nature of decision-makingDecision-making and what constitutes competency. The “rule of sevensRule of sevens” frameworkFramework is then used to explicate pertinent developmental milestonesMilestones for children, dividing pediatric developmentDevelopment into 0–7, 7–14, and 14+ years of age. In particular, the authors highlight the most important cognitiveCognitive, socialSocial, andSocial emotionalemotionalEmotional considerations in each of these periods (...)
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  18. De jure coreference and transitivity.N. A. Pinillos - unknown
    Following Kit Fine (2007), we can say that the de jure pair represent the referent as the same while the second one does not do so. There are roughly three ways of capturing this difference. One could say that de jure coreference between two expression occurrences happen because (a) the occurrences have identical meanings, (b) they have identical syntactic properties, or (c) they enter into a semantic relation not grounded in identity of meaning or syntax. In what follows, I give (...)
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  19.  6
    المقدمة.Ibn Khaldūn - 2005 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: Khizānat Ibn Khaldūn, Bayt al-Funūn wa-al-ʻUlūm wa-al-Ādāb. Edited by Abdesselam Cheddadi.
  20. Kyoyuk kukka ŭi kŏnsŏl: kyoyuk ŭi segi wa kichʻojuŭi: Chʻŏngnoe Han Ki-ŏn Paksa kohŭi kinyŏm.Ki-ŏn Han (ed.) - 1994 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Yangsŏwŏn.
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  21.  6
    Nokpong Chŏngsa wa Chosŏn chunggi ŭi Nakchunghak.Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.) - 2020 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  22.  9
    Teoría de la educación: un análisis epistemológico.Concepción Naval Durán - 2008 - Pamplona: EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarrra.
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    Hē physikē theologia kai to physiko dikaio stē philosophia tōn Sophistōn tou 5ou p. Ch. aiōna.Panagiōtēs N. Pantazakos - 2006 - Athēna: Hellēnika Grammata.
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    Semantic algorithms of bioethics.N. A. Ageeva, N. L. Wiegel & G. N. Shapoval - 2019 - Theoretical Bioethics 24 (2):6-11.
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  25.  14
    Analogy between concepts.N. Barbot, L. Miclet & H. Prade - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):487-539.
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  26.  6
    Nammyŏng Sŏnsaeng p'yŏnnyŏn.Wŏn-ch'ŏl Chang & Pyŏng-ch'ŏl Chŏn (eds.) - 2011 - Sŏul Tŭkpyŏlsi: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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  27. Tongyang chʻŏrhak kwa Hanʼguk sasang: Tongchʻon Chi Kyo-hŏn Paksa hwagap kinyŏm nonmun sŏnjip.Kyo-hŏn Chi - 1995 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Minsogwŏn.
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  28.  5
    T'oegyehak ŭi kyesŭng kwa pyŏnhwa: T'oegye chikchŏn cheja put'ŏ kŭn'gi Sirhak kkaji.To-wŏn Chŏng - 2016 - Sŏul: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Munsach'ol.
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  29.  10
    Sadan ch'ilchŏngnon ŭro pon Chosŏn Sŏngnihak ŭi chŏn'gae =.Wŏn-sik Hong (ed.) - 2019 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
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  30.  47
    L. Sbardella: Filita. Testimonianze e frammenti poetici. Pp. 210. Rome: Quasar, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 88-7140-182-4.N. Hopkinson - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):154-155.
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  31.  14
    Ch'ulch'ŏ, kyŏnggye ŭi ch'ŏrhak: mŏnjŏ to ka innŭn kot inji rŭl salp'yŏ pora.Yong-wŏn O. - 2016 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kŭl Hangari.
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  32. Chayŏnpŏp sasang: silchʻŏn ŭl wihan popʻyŏn iron.Ŭn-jŏng Pak - 1987 - Sŏul-si: Minŭmsa.
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  33.  8
    Mundo, tecnología y razón en el fin de la modernidad: hacia el hombre "more technico"?Ramón-Jesús Queraltó Moreno - 1993 - Barcelona: PPU.
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  34.  5
    Nuevos desafíos en el inicio de la vida: perspectivas ecuménicas en bioética: inicio de la vida humana, fertilización asistida, aborto.Rubén Revello & Daniel Carlos Beros (eds.) - 2014 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Croquis.
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  35.  22
    Ethics in medical education.N. N. Sedova - 2020 - Bioethics 25 (1):3-4.
    The article traces the forty-year history of the establishment of the Bioethics training course at the Volgograd State Medical University, which turns 85 this year. It is told about those who played a major role in the development of bioethics as a training course, what difficulties and successes were along this path. The logic of the institutionalization of bioethics through the creation of ethical examination procedures is traced. Actual problems of bioethics, as well as ongoing bioethical activities are not covered (...)
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  36. Universidad de Defensa de Noruega, Noruega. Cooperación y relación entre el derecho y la ética en las Fuerzas Armadas de Noruega.Capitán de Fragata Jacob Thomas Staib - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando (eds.), Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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  37.  13
    A Sleeping Beauty Is Awakening : The Revival of The Feminist Movement in Bulgaria.N. M. Stretenova - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):111-113.
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  38.  33
    Założenia algebry uniwersalnej [z lektury klasyków] A.N. Whitehead, A Treatise on Universal Algebra, 1898.Alfred N. Whitehead - 1996 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 19.
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  39.  6
    Communication and argument.Arne Næss - 1966 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
  40.  11
    Perspectivas y horizontes de la filosofía de la ciencia en México.Cárdenas Carrión, Blanca María, Martínez Ordaz, María del Rosario, López Retana & Erik Alejandro (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  41. Bāṃlāẏa binirmāṇa, abinirmāṇa.Anirbāṇa Dāśa (ed.) - 2007 - Kalakātā: Ababhāsa.
    Contributed articles on Jacques Derrida, French philosopher, and his theories of deconstruction and postmoderinsm; includes articles on his perpectives on literature and philosophy.
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  42.  6
    Chungdojŏk chinbo, haengbok kukka ro kanŭn kil: chungdo kaehyŏkchuŭi ŭi ch'ŏrhak kwa pijŏn.T'ae-yŏn Hwang - 2021 - Sŏul-si: Neksen Midiŏ.
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  43. Zībāyīʹshināsī bih zabān-i sādah.Maḥmūd ʻIbādiyān - 2002 - [Tihrān]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Gustarish-i Hunar.
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  44.  8
    Istorii i razkazvachi: filosofii︠a︡, pravo, literatura: spet︠s︡ialno izdanie za i︠u︡bilei︠a︡ na profesor Stilii︠a︡n Ĭotov.Stilii︠a︡n Ĭotov, Aleksandŭr Kŭnev, Antoaneta Koleva, Valentin Kalinov & Stoi︠a︡n Stavru (eds.) - 2020 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelska kŭshta - Kritika i Khumanizŭm.
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  45.  10
    Chuchʻe ŭi yullihak yŏnʼgu.Wan-sŏn Kim - 2010 - [Pyongyang]: Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
  46.  5
    Han'guk sŏngnihak, wae toksŏn in'ga: Yi Hwang, Yi I, Chŏng Yag-yong sasang ŭl haebu hada.Tong-wŏn Kim - 2022 - [Seoul]: Yŏksa-ro.
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  47. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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  48. Mystical Intuition.N. Lossky - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):517-518.
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  49.  15
    Aproximaciones al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch.Pablo Javier Aguzín, Darío Maroño & Gabriel Miranda (eds.) - 2019 - Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina: Editorial Fundación Ross.
    Aproximación al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch -- Canto e identidad en el Martín Fierro según Carlos Astrada y Rodolfo Kusch -- Donde el barro se subleva -- La rehabilitación del saber seminal como camino hacia una mística popular -- Kusch y el impulso social de nuestra época -- La barbarización de la civilización, una grieta de antaño -- ¿De dónde pensarnos?
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  50. Sŏ Chae-p'il esŏ tongsŏ sasang chŏppyŏn.Kim Chae-hyŏn - 2019 - In Chung-gi Kang (ed.), Sŏyang chŏngch'i sasang kwa Yugyo chip'yŏng ŭi hwakchang. Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Tong kwa Sŏ.
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